Submission of Samples

All submissions must be packaged appropriately, meeting IATA Packing Instruction 602, 650 or as exempt diagnostic specimen as relevant. Diagnostic specimens for routine export/import testing of companion animals are usually considered exempt diagnostic specimens.

Specimens should be consigned to:
Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness
5 Portarlington Rd
East Geelong VIC 3219

All submissions must be sent with a Submission Form. If you are a registered user a submission form will be automatically available for printing if you lodge the submission online, or a form can be filled out manually. Samples sent from outside Australia also require:

  • Import permit (for specimens – available online for registered users)

The appropriate samples vary between tests. Please see the information for testing for poultry, companion animal or aquatic animal testing for further advice on samples. Alternatively, contact the Accessions staff as per the details below.

Phone: 61 3 5227 5414
Fax: 61 3 5227 5555